October 2021

The Future of IoT Devices and Mobile Apps

The Future of IoT Devices and Mobile Apps

The way we use the internet has evolved with time. Thanks to increased penetration of smartphones, we have seen a clear shift from desktop websites to mobile first design and mobile applications. In recent years, due to the advancements in AI technology, software, and manufacturing of components like chips, there has been a sharp increase […]

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Things to consider when building a digital presence online in Guyana

5 things to consider when building a digital presence online

According to data collected by the world bank in 2017, 37% of individuals in Guyana use the internet. This is an 8% increase since 20101. We can assume that the percentage of the population in Guyana using the internet is significantly on the rise. The restrictions resulting from the Covid 19 pandemic have forced a

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Website Design for High Performance Essential Metrics to Track

Website Design for High Performance: 3 Essential Metrics to Track

Ecommerce revenue in Guyana is expected to increase to USD 118 million by the year 20251. In order to get the most from your business website, you need to ensure it is properly optimized for search engines and is designed to be user friendly. In order to make logical decisions on how you can improve

Website Design for High Performance: 3 Essential Metrics to Track Read More »

simple ways to incorporate AI into your website development

3 simple ways to incorporate AI into your website development

According to data from the world bank, the number of people who accessed the internet in Guyana, has been steadily increasing since 2010. As of 2017, 37% of the population accessed the internet1. As of April 2020, there were over 113 300 Instagram users in Guyana2. As internet usage increases so does the potential for

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